Information on our mind / body / spirit
How to feel stronger / wiser in these difficult times
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Hi and welcome - improving your mind strength is so important during these fast moving times... With stronger mind strength, comes better health and a stronger immune system.
I researched the power of the mind, self healing, the human aura, and vibrational energy, our personal 'vibes' for 6 years recently... Get the mind stronger / vibes good - then feel healthier.
Try to avoid too much time in the fast lane online, remind yourself 'and breathe' - remember to have a laugh with others - and many times 'stop to appreciate' something daily - raise vibes.
Good thoughts carry energy, for improved health...
So to some mind calming information... It's the mind we need to calm - when too many thoughts are in your head, remember to smile - maybe read, and avoid media and violent films before bed... Sit in a comfortable position and be aware of your breathing.
We all know what we should / shouldn't be doing to keep the body strong - but the mind sometimes goes on overdrive... Steady the mind - nice drink, eyes closed - focus on a single image in your mind, hold that image for 10 seconds, then again.
Try to fill your mind with good thoughts or something you've achieved, someone you've helped that day, and soak up those good thoughts and high vibes, yes there's good vibes in thoughts for better health and sleep, to keep you stronger.
I had a NDE back in 2015, I had become psychic - I developed a psychic 'gut feeling' clear knowing ability - later I became a Spiritual Advisor, and a Master on Spiritual Forums.
For years I researched mind power 'and' viruses... I joined the NHS Staff Facebook group helping NHS Nurses and Doctors against jab passports, get jobs back, on my what happened page.
Then 'here' helping worldwide Freedom Fighters in 2022.
So, churches - stopping many close with the Great British Church Revival project of 2024 - we / I as 'one'light' have a thread on Spiritual Forums, Christianity page 'saving churches' - 200,000 views in just 6 months, free will in play now.
Creating smiles in them alongside teaching, not too long services, to attract those 1000's in towns who believe in spirit.
So now to our once powerful UK - I wonder what the great Victorians would be thinking? Our rising national debt needs controlling, a bit of common sense, look after people here.
Something BIG to happen all this borrowing? Surely not you say, a type of bankruptcy as Iceland did, or threat off - get worldwide lenders to zero interest rates - then stronger for our kids, with a lot of tightening belts as we pay it back gently over decades.
Businesses dream of being debt free - some off the rich to help?
Self healing has always been around, we've just forgotten it's available
We all have differing amounts of positive / negative energy in our system - that's mind'body'spirit - people who are unwell with trapped negative energy can get a rash or get sick, then it's doctors.
Anyone struggling with life right now, go to my - 'My Mind Strength / Suicide Prevention Page' - learn to be stronger / wiser to 'complete your life plan' - the light after darkness is beautiful when you glance back - it becomes a strength.
More of my knowledge and experiences here...
We know our universe is vast, there's billions of galaxies, each with billions of stars in each one - space websites confirm this amount, and if you look it up online, space websites say more planets than grains of sand on our beaches, so its not just us.
I am a Spiritual & Mind Strength Motivational Speaker...
I have done talks at - Prestbury House Care Home - Helping Hands Home Care Services - Woodlands Care Home - Hollins Park Care Home - and to the 8 young men at 'Manday Night Project' at Sutton Hall - and Disability Information Bureau.
Since, done talks at Sutton Hall, and for Cheshire West Rotary.
A section on well being here...
When stressed after a difficult day, you can rub your hands together and place them over over a pain area - there's energy comes off our hand chakras - maybe take your mind to a waterfall, and imagine the water / cleaning / refreshing you.
Gratitude and 'being in the moment' to appreciate, is so important for mental and physical health - so make time thinking of 'something' that pleases morning and evening.
Below are links to power of the mind / self healing information, for display
Anyone interested in completing the - 'Rubik's Cube' - using simple instructions
Local 'power of the mind' talks no cost, you
can email me on -